The fund could help boost confidence in the region's markets. 这个基金有可能帮助提高人们该地区市场的信心。
It reaffirmed the strong fundamentals of the region and expressed confidence that the region will return to robust growth rates. 会议再次肯定亚洲地区的经济基础稳健,并对区内回复高增长率充满信心。
The hope in many European capitals is that Berlin may now be prompted to act more quickly in backing a comprehensive rescue package to restore confidence in the region. 在欧洲许多国家的首都,人们希望德国政府现在可能会受到促动,更迅速地采取行动,支持一套全面解救方案,以恢复各方对欧元区的信心。
Uniformly most powerful confidence region least squares collocation 一致最大功效置信区域
The Mexican-led initiative, a clear sign of Latin America's growing confidence as a region, will exclude both the US and Canada. 墨西哥带头提出的这项倡议,是拉美作为一个地区信心日益增强的一个明显迹象。新组织将不包括美国和加拿大。
Very large in expanse or scope. uniformly most powerful confidence region 在区域或范围上巨大的。一致最大功效置信区域
Asian stocks climbed to seven-month highs yesterday as overnight gains in the US and Europe injected a renewed sense of confidence into the region. 亚洲股市昨日攀升至7个月高点,美国和欧洲市场前夜的上涨为该地区带来新的信心。
Moreover, the recent conflict in the Levant may also dampen confidence in the region. 此外,最近黎凡特的冲突也可能会影响对该地区的信心。
Fees generated for banks from European capital market activities accounted for their lowest proportion of the global total since records began in 2000, as the sovereign debt crisis shook confidence in the region. 由于欧洲主权债务危机动摇了人们对该地区的信心,欧洲资本市场给银行业创造的费用收入在全球总额中所占的比例,降至了2000年有记录以来的最低水平。
Results Give out the quantitative relationship between a parameters or some parameters confidence region and other parameters. 结果给出了多项分布某个或某些参数的置信域与其他参数之间的量化关系。
For those images which have fissure, a modified region growing operator based on Confidence Connected could extract fissure region out. 对于存在裂纹的舌象,用改进的ConfidenceConnected区域生长算子能有效提取裂纹区域;
A method of first statistics confidence region estimate was introduced to estimate the first historical flood confidence region and to guide the curve fitting of the frequency curve, Which has a certain practical significance in the analysis and computation of design flood and design storm. 采用引入对首项顺序统计量置信区间估计的方法,对首位历史洪水经验频率置信区间进行估算,指导频率曲线的适点配线,对设计洪水和设计暴雨分析计算工作具有一定的实用意义。
Each two ellipsoid confidence region was used to detect the faults of the concerned sensor. 以双椭圆相交法为基础构造一组双椭圆置信域,每个双椭圆置信域用来检测相应的传感器是否发生故障。
The method or determinating the confidence region of reliability on the basis of cutting off-tail distribution 基于截尾分布的可靠度置信区间的确定方法
A Study to the Confidence Region of Multinomial Distribution on the Condition of Large Sample Size 大样本条件下多项分布未知参数置信域的研究
Based on the definition of the confidence interval, we obtained the combination confidence region of the Lognormal population and the area formula of the combination confidence region. 从置信区间本质意义出发,得到了对数正态总体参数的联合置信域以及置信域的面积公式。
The region cultural factor includes the cultural confidence in region, look after both sides to the region history traditionally, and is cultural to the region creative. 地域文化因素包括对地域文化的把握,对地域历史传统的兼顾,以及对地域文化的创新;
The methods of determinating the seepage monitoring indices, such as general method, confidence region method, little probability method, are discussed. 对拟定渗流监控指标的常规方法、置信区间法和小概率法进行了探讨;
Approximate Confidence Region of Parameters for Lognormal and Normal Distribution under Type-I Life Test 对数正态与正态分布定时截尾寿命试验参数的近似置信域
Combination Confidence Region for Lognormal Population Parameters 对数正态总体分布的联合置信域
The confidence region for the parametric coefficient based onthe empirical likelihood method is obtained. 并据此得到了参数向量的经验似然置信域。
The locating methods make full use of the license plate of texture features, color characteristics and geometry characteristics, and the introduction of the concept of confidence to filter suspicious region. 该定位方法充分利用了车牌的纹理特征,色彩特征以及几何特征,引入置信度的概念筛选可疑区域。
Built ellipse and rectangle-shaped confidence region for point element. 为平面点建立了椭圆和矩形置信域,给出了两种置信域与其置信水平的关系。
Due to that the nature of the VaR is a quantile in mathematics, our first model is to solve the joint confidence region of(μ,σ 2) actually. 由于VaR的本质是数学中的分位数,因此这一模型实际上是对(μ,σ2)的联合置信域的求解。
Based on the error band model of the line element, this paper built ellipse and rectangle-shaped confidence region, the two error band regions show the difference: the probability changed with the shape of a known point element. 对线元建立了误差带模型,根据误差带模型,建立了椭圆和矩形区域的误差带,两种误差带的差异表明:概率值随已知点元域的形状变化而变化。
More visible differences in state confidence exist due to differences in region, age, gender, years of professional sports training and exercise levels. 状态自信心有较明显的地区、年龄、性别、专业运动训练年限和运动等级差异。